10 Christmas Ornaments to Make, Part 1

Some of the most fun I have during the holiday season is browsing the internet for ideas for Christmas ornaments that I can make for our tree or for gifting.  I really enjoy the creativity and inspiration that I find online.  There are just so many truly creative people in the world and they are sharing their wonderful ideas.  I am not certain which ones I will get around to making this year, but here are a few (a very few) of the ones that have caught my eye this year…

Because it is photo heavy, I have decided to offer this post in 2 parts.  I hope you find something to tickle your fancy this year and have fun making an ornament or two!  These are listed in no particular order.

Another Hatchett Job, photo shared on Facebook, star ornament, crafts, sewing, holidays1.  These cute little stars are made with folded fabric.  How cool is that?  You start with a pentagon shape and then you fold the points in on the lines of a smaller pentagon and you get a cute, little star ornament!  Look how cute they are even without relying on actual Christmas fabrics.  The instructions for making these ornaments can be found here.Another Hatchett Job, photo shared on Pinterest, Georgia Snowman, melted snowman, diy ornaments, Christmas ornaments.

2.  I just adore this ornament.  I have seen it called several different things, but I like to call it the “Georgia Snowman.”  It’s a great and simple idea for an ornament that even a kid could put together.  Add a cute stamped tag and this is a winner!  Directions for this ornament (and several others) can be found here.

Another Hatchett Job, photo shared on Pinterest, Paper Roses Ornament, DIY Christmas ornaments, recycled ornament3.  The next ornament is made from unreadable or damaged book pages, although I imagine that sheet music or any other kind of paper of a similar weight would be equally workable.  It makes a lovely and delicate ornament with very low cost.  If pages are yellowed a bit, I think it would be even lovelier.  The only drawback that I could see to making this ornament is that a paper ornament must be cared for differently, and is far more fragile, than fabric ornaments.  The blog that originally posted this ornament gives great directions and even includes a video to help you.  The post can be found here.Another Hatchett Job, vintage Christmas ornament, crafts, DIY Christmas ornaments, holidays

4.  This elegant ornament comes from a site that offers no tutorial (it is here, if you want to check this out).  Fortunately, it appears simple to recreate without detailed instructions.  My guess is that they covered an existing ornament (either an older one or a clear one) with paper strips (mod podge, perhaps) and sprinkled glitter on.  The ornament top and hanger were covered with silver glitter paint and hung with twine.  Love the French vibe of this one.  Of course, if you are loathe to use parts of damaged books, you can always print out pages in any language you choose on your computer and use them for your ornaments.

Another Hatchett Job, DIY Christmas ornaments, button ornament, buttons, crafts, holidays5.  This lovely little button ornament.  Some sewists have buttons in a small box or bin that have been passed down.  Perhaps they were cut off of shirts or dresses and used over and over again.  Perhaps they are one of a kind buttons, left over from a button card when the others were used.  This is a great way to get some buttons out of your stash where they can be used and enjoyed.  Multi-colored or metallic buttons could work really well for this also!  You could use glue to affix them to a styrofoam ball or even some straight pins.  The “pearl” topped pins could be very nice here, too.  Mixing shades of white from bright white to pale creams will also add interest and charm.

All of these ornaments would be lovely on any tree, but these ideas are just scratching the top of the pile.  We will have more to come in a few days with Part 2!

What ornaments have YOU made?

Till next time,

Another Hatchett Job blog, signature, Jan Hatchett